Tuesday 5 November 2013

Mini Let's Try: Healthier Oreos

Hi guys!

Sorry for not posting Insta Mondays recently (if anyone noticed) as Ruth, who's in charge of them, has been quite busy with school lately. 

A few days ago, I was browsing through the snack aisle when something caught my eye. Mildly sweet Oreos. I am a sucker for anything less fat, less sweet, organic and healthier so I was definitely excited about them. However, do they taste as good as they sound? I gave it a try, and did a comparison with everyone's favourite- Original Oreos. 

Pretty much the same in terms of packaging. Just a different shade of blue.

Yup, no differences whatsoever. 

After close inspection, I noticed that the original Oreo is slightly lighter in colour than the mildly sweet one.
Cream looks the same. 

Time for the taste test!

The mildly sweet one was tougher and less sweet than the original.
The usual crunchiness was nowhere to be found.

The mildly sweet cream was not as creamy or sweet as the original.
It also had a slight grainy texture to it. Very, very odd.

Next, I tried them with fresh milk. Milk and Oreo cookies are the perfect combination. They were made for each other. 

This is how to dunk an Oreo cookie in milk without getting your fingers dirty. I do it all the time.

The original Oreo dunked in milk was absolute perfection. The mildly sweet Oreo dunked in milk was a different story altogether. There was absolutely no hint of the creamy, chunky goodness I was used to. Long story short, the mildly sweet Oreo does not complement milk at all. 


This one's no biggie. The mildly sweet Oreo cookies may be (slightly) healthier, but they definitely don't taste as good as the original ones. 

Just stick to buying original Oreos. No questions needed. 


p/s. Mildly Sweet Oreos can be found at most Giant supermarkets. I bought mine from Suntec City.

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