Monday 11 November 2013


Hello there!
Sorry for my long absence due to my hectic schedule and O level Chinese examination. It is finally over and I am back to blogging. Before I start on this week's Instamonday, I have an announcement. We have decided that Instamonday will be once in 2 weeks instead on every week, to focus on new blog posts and many more! Do not worry, as I will still be blogging every Monday to the best of my ability,  unless I have something on.

So today on Instamonday, we have lareiacakerie , also know as Lariea Cake and Co. They specialise in mille crepes. Usually we do not do much stores on instamonday, but this time round, I decided to as they are only available in Jakarta and Surabaya.

Mille crepes are thousand layers or French crepe stacked together with light fluffy cream or rich nutella, depending on their flavours. They taste like heaven in your mouth. In Singapore, they are quite rare and even if they can be found, they are not as delicious as I wanted them too be. Many mille crepes are no light enough, or are too sweet. I have even eaten one that was frozen and it was terrible. By the photos on their instagram and comments on their facebook page, I think that this is quite a recommended mille crepe place and I will wish to try them out if I ever had a chance to.

This is their vanilla flavoured mille crepe, Vanilla Cloud. With hand whisked, light fluffy cream between silk this crepes, it looks really beautiful. It has even layers of crepe and the cream is neither too thick, which can make it too creamy, or too little, which can cause the crepe to have less flavour, so the ratio of crepe to cream is perfect. To top it off, it also has a caramel top, to give it an extra crunch. I rarely see mille crepes with a torched top, as they are really soft and the top may affect the texture, but it really is a twist to the usual mille crepe (with a powered top) and I really wish to try it. Simplicity is key, I feel that even though this mille crepe is rather sophisticated, but it has a tint of simplicity, and is worth a try.

Their strawberry field. Strawberry and cream is a match made in heaven. Strawberry and cream is the perfect combination in the winter, and even if you are living in a sunny island like me, it is also wonderful comfort food. It is layered with a generous serving of strawberries and it seems like something people will rave about (sooner or later). I really wish to get a chance to taste this one as it looks really delicious. I believe that children will like this, and I am sure that my brothers would!

Tea party. Green tea infused pastry cream and layers of beautiful crepe. I am never really for the idea of anything green tea either than Japanese soft serve ice-cream and green tea itself, but I think that this mille crepe will be good. Green tea is nice from the start, but sometimes it can get to much and feel as if you are choking on green tea. This mille crepe, covered with a blanket of matcha powder, does not seem as heavy as I thought it will be, especially when they decided to keep the crepe a the original plain crepe. I really hope that is crepe will taste exquisite and that the flavours of green tea, and cream are balanced well enough so that it is not too heavy, and still light.

Other than this, they also have other favours, like banana nutella, oreo castle, and summer lemon. Summer lemon also seems like a great treat, but I feel that it is more suitable on a summer day, around march-may. They also have seasonal flavours, like Raspberry flavoured ones for pink October and also an earl grey one.

Their flavours (price in RP)

Mille crepe with raspberry infused creme for pink October special.

I hope that you have enjoyed this blog post and if you do know places with good mille crepes, feel free to comment below and we can go try them out and make a post on them. See you soon!


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