Monday 21 October 2013

Instamonday - theghostonmyback

Hello again!
Welcome back to another Insta monday!
Today on instamonday, we have@theghostonmyback . I have decided to choose her as this week's insta monday due to how much I enjoy her photos. They are often very minimalistic, but they have very specific details in them that may look easy, but is actually very hard to master, as these details in her photos are often overlooked.

Firstly, we have a coconut-quinoa-baby spinach salad! I am not a big fan of salads, but this salad looks so delicious that I had to post it here. Topped with chopped toasted pistachios and pomegranate seeds, it looks absolutely stunning! It also has an orange thyme dressing, which is an absolutely gorgeous dressing when it comes to complementing the blandness of the vegetables to the sweetness of orange sauce. A picture speaks a thousand words, this picture literally made me drool.

For the main course, I chose a picture of aglio e olio with sautéed mushrooms, spinach and feta. Aglio e olio is one of the basic italian pastas that I really enjoy. The fresh mushrooms makes it look even more appetising than before, and I am pretty sure the taste of this pasta will be exquisite due to how well pasta and mushrooms work with each other! I also find this pasta interesting as spinach is not commonly found in many pastas, and I feel that the spinach will give this pasta a great twist. It is also healthy!

Lastly, POPCORN! This popcorn has maple-vanilla-butter coating, with smoked sea salt sprinkles on them. Popcorn not as easy to make as it seems (trust me, I've tried.) And so, it amazes me that she is able to make such beautiful popcorn. She also adds a lot of detail to it, as usually popcorn are only covered with a pinch of salt or sugar syrup, but her rendition of popcorn has not only maple, but also vanilla and butter, which makes it more tasty. It also has a dash of sea salt on it, which has a sweeter and more pleasant taste compared to normal table salt.

That's all for today! Check out Cherilynn's first blog post coming up tomorrow (or wednesday)!


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