Wednesday 23 October 2013


Hi guys!
Cherilynn here and because I'm a little lost of what to say, what is more appropriate than a food photo post right? (read: foodo post, get it? Get it??)

Thai Kway Chap

Lightly roasted salmon with mixed herb rice and vegetables

Pumpkin soup and open-faced sandwich with guacamole spread and alfalfa

Dry fish ball noodles 

French toast

Tom Yum soup

Laksa-infused fried rice

Open-faced sandwich with alfalfa, ham and tomato

Mushroom Risotto

Vegetarian udon noodles

Baked rice

Pasta Bolognese

Vegetarian ramen

Baked eggs with cream and tomato

Quesadillas with tacos and guacamole dip

Tom Yum-infused fried rice

Red wine residue chicken

Home-made bread pudding with rum-soaked raisins

Editor's note: Some pictures are not captioned and we're sorry for that. All the foods above were made by Cherilynn's mom!

Monday 21 October 2013

Instamonday - theghostonmyback

Hello again!
Welcome back to another Insta monday!
Today on instamonday, we have@theghostonmyback . I have decided to choose her as this week's insta monday due to how much I enjoy her photos. They are often very minimalistic, but they have very specific details in them that may look easy, but is actually very hard to master, as these details in her photos are often overlooked.

Firstly, we have a coconut-quinoa-baby spinach salad! I am not a big fan of salads, but this salad looks so delicious that I had to post it here. Topped with chopped toasted pistachios and pomegranate seeds, it looks absolutely stunning! It also has an orange thyme dressing, which is an absolutely gorgeous dressing when it comes to complementing the blandness of the vegetables to the sweetness of orange sauce. A picture speaks a thousand words, this picture literally made me drool.

For the main course, I chose a picture of aglio e olio with sautéed mushrooms, spinach and feta. Aglio e olio is one of the basic italian pastas that I really enjoy. The fresh mushrooms makes it look even more appetising than before, and I am pretty sure the taste of this pasta will be exquisite due to how well pasta and mushrooms work with each other! I also find this pasta interesting as spinach is not commonly found in many pastas, and I feel that the spinach will give this pasta a great twist. It is also healthy!

Lastly, POPCORN! This popcorn has maple-vanilla-butter coating, with smoked sea salt sprinkles on them. Popcorn not as easy to make as it seems (trust me, I've tried.) And so, it amazes me that she is able to make such beautiful popcorn. She also adds a lot of detail to it, as usually popcorn are only covered with a pinch of salt or sugar syrup, but her rendition of popcorn has not only maple, but also vanilla and butter, which makes it more tasty. It also has a dash of sea salt on it, which has a sweeter and more pleasant taste compared to normal table salt.

That's all for today! Check out Cherilynn's first blog post coming up tomorrow (or wednesday)!


Monday 7 October 2013

Insta Monday- spoonforkbacon

It's that time of the week again! Today on insta monday, we have @spoonforkbacon, made up of photographer Teri Lyn Fisher and food stylist Jenny Park. A reason why I (Christabel) wanted to write about them is because I am a big fan of their book, Tiny Food Party. They post photos of meticulous-styled food of different cultures and recipes for budding cooks as well.

Pumpkin beer cheese soup! 
This picture has received many compliments from other fellow instagrammers and will be a treat that will give people warmth during the colder days (that are on their way very very soon) Also, I love to drink pumpkin soup due to its smooth and creamy texture and flavourful taste, so I firmly believe that this will taste better than a normal pumpkin soup as there is the addition of beer and cheese to enhance the flavours of this delicacy.

As a main course, this risotto is absolutely stunningly beautiful and I bet it tastes good too! Risotto is not very common in Singapore, as we eat porridge instead, so this photo makes me drool and wanting to try something new.

Sweet Cream corn ice cream

A exquisite twist on the childhood favourite of ice cream and bread. This homemade dish of theirs reminds me of the past and is something that I wish to make in the future.

Last of all, In-N-Out! This is the one place I want to visit when I go to the US. (The other being Taco Bell). Christabel will hate me for posting this due to her hatred for fried/fast food.

Check out their website at for colourful photos that will make you want to take up cooking (if you haven't already done so)!

-Ruth and Christabel


Saturday 5 October 2013

Let's Try: Japanese Candy

Hi guys!

We are back after the long break for examinations and we're sorry to have kept you waiting (okay we kid). We can't wait to officially start our blog off with some product reviews and so on!

So a few days ago, Ruth and I were at the bustling Bugis Street with two other friends and we chanced across a little shop selling Japanese snacks and candy. Now most of you may be familiar with Japanese snack brands, such as Meiji, which is well known for their chocolates, and Glico, which is the creator of the famous Pocky biscuits.

However, Ruth and I noticed a few unknown brands, and we decided to do a product review! Japan is famous for their oddity, especially when it comes to their candy. Bust-increasing gum, various fruit-flavoured Kit Kats, chocolates shaped like insects and amphibians, jellyfish caramels...all in brightly coloured packaging with interesting cartoons. What's new? Well to be fair, the candy we bought were not that weird, but we put them to the test!

1. Sakuma Classic Drops In Can Candy

Hard candy flavoured with real fruit juice that comes in a tin can with a tin pull cap. We were pleasantly surprised by the wide range of flavours available such as strawberry, apple, grape, pineapple, lime, chocolate (one of the best flavours) and so on! Sakuma Drops are most well-known in the 1988 anime film Grave Of The Fireflies. Commemorative tins resembling the one depicted in the film and featuring an image of the character Setsuko has been released several times. Addictive and fruity. Definitely a must-buy!

2. Fujiya Milky Candy 7's

Came in pretty pastel-coloured wrappers. A typical malty milk candy with a creamy texture, similiar to that of the popular White Rabbit candy. It's pretty normal, but it got overwhelming sweet towards the end. An ideal candy for those who like their candy chewy and milky. 

3. Meiji Gummy Chocolate

We were fooled by the pretty and cheery exterior, only to feel disappointed by the tiny egg-shaped chocolates, which comes in strawberry, cola and grape. We were also put off by the strong taste of the sweet slightly powdery chocolate coating, which melted away to reveal the surprisingly nice gummy interior. We don't recommend this, but go for it if you are somehow into gummy chocolate. 

4. Glico Pop Stick Candy

Basically cute soda and grape-flavoured Mickey-shaped lollipops. We only managed to try the soda one, unfortunately. It had a unique albeit weird taste, a little like 100-Plus mixed with lemon juice. The sweetness pretty much overpowered the lemon soda fizz. Perfect for Disney lovers who have a sweet tooth. Best of all, you don't have to go to Disney Land to buy it!

5. Nobel Super Lemon Candy 

To sum it all up, it's sour lemon sweets. Besides the creative newspaper article cum vintage comic art packaging, the candy itself is fairly interesting too. Each sweet has three layers: a sour lemon taste powder coating followed by mild lemon candy and finally, a core of super lemon candy. These work just like typical sour candy, with the powder coating being the most sour. I personally love this candy, but Ruth doesn't. It all depends if you're a sucker for sour stuff! Give some to your friends and watch their expressions. 

6. Tohato Caramel Corn (Salty Vanilla Ice Cream)

Finally, something you're aware of. Everyone has been to Daiso and snagged up packets of this popular caramel corn. It's creamy, crunchy and addictive. However, most Daiso outlets only stock up on the common Milk, Peanut and Almond-flavoured ones. We were very excited to see this. An odd but delicious combo of crunchy corn curls doused in vanilla ice cream flavouring and salt. We noticed a slight tinge of coconut and milk, with a creamier texture than the normal ones. Get a packet, or five. 

So that's all for now. Japanese candy may be odd, but most are pretty good! Leave us a comment suggesting what else we should review. We'll try everything and anything. 
