Friday 2 August 2013

Prima Facie

Prima Facie. A Latin expression meaning on its first encounter or at first sight

Hey there!

Welcome to the first post of our new food blog. We thought of this idea ages ago and never really took action until now (teenagers procrastinate really well).


To put it simply, we love food. That sounds really cliche, doesn't it? Like how often do you see it on Instagram and Twitter accounts? FOOD means a lot to us. Food helps us in many ways.

What is our "aim"? Well, we figured that nowadays, most food blogs cater to adults, mostly. Food reviews for expensive restaurants, bistros....and so on. We hope to reach out to teenagers and young people (adults too) to share with them our love for food. On this blog, expect to find RECIPES, FOOD REVIEWS, FOOD HACKS, INTERESTING FOOD FACTS and just random muses about FOOD WE LOVE. Don't expect fast food, because we don't believe that all teenagers should only survive on a diet of fried chicken and grease-laden burgers. Let's just say that health is rather important to us....

Before anything else, WHO ARE WE? (We're Singaporeans, of course)

Ruth is a passionate foodie who enjoys eating - but not cooking. She likes the Arts, and is in charge of the artistic development of the blog. She loves anything sweet and sugary (not too much, though!) She eats anything and everything but her lettuce.

Cherilynn adores food. She especially adores (North) Indian and Chinese cuisine. She can neither cook nor bake but she occasionally helps her mom in the kitchen. Her Instagram (acciosykes) is filled with mouth-watering food pics and you should go check it out.

Christabel is an ardent amateur baker (and cook), who will provide many recipes and muses about her recent food fads. She is a rather healthy cook and does her best to prove that food can be healthy and taste fantastic at the same time.

So....that's us. We are normal teenagers from slightly different backgrounds with a common interest. FOOD. We hope you enjoy reading this food blog, and we really don't know if it will work out. Fingers crossed!


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