Monday 26 August 2013

Insta Monday - healthyalways

Hello there everyone!

Welcome back to Insta Monday. We are sorry of the two//three week hiatus due to our CAs and hectic schedule. 

Today on insta monday, we are proud to present healthyalways, a nutrition and physiology student who is a healthy foodie. She is one of my favourite food instagrammers and I cannot wait to share her pictures with you.

Her blueberry mint "ice cream"

One of the things I personally enjoy about her instagram is that she posts the recipes of all her goodies. For instance, she posted on how to make the blueberry mint ice cream.
- Blend two frozen bananas, 1/3 cups of blueberries and a drop of peppermint essence. Garnish with a few mint leaves and top it with blueberries. 
As you may notice, this recipe is easy to make and does not require any sugar (bonus)! All the recipes on her instagram are really intriguing and I cannot wait to try to make them myself.

You may be thinking, what are so special about ice cubes? Well these aren't just ordinary ice cubes, but they are coconut cubes! They are made by replacing water with coconut water and putting them into the freezer. This may be a simple idea, but by using coconut water, the flavour of your drinks can be enhanced! Put these into a plain glass of water with lemon slices - it gives the drink a sweet lovely taste. This coconut ice cubes will make wonderful welcoming drinks for everyone of all ages and is worth a try! 

These are more of her photos:

There is a whole lot more of delicious food that you can choose to try on her Instagram! Go follow her on instagram, @healthyalways, for more simple, nutritious and mouthwatering recipes and pictures!

- Ruth

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