Wednesday 28 August 2013

An ode to my favourite food

Christabel here. I love food (isn't it obvious?). How can I describe it? Food, glorious food. There are simply so many varieties all over the world. But here are some of my personal favourites. Let me warn you first, this will be long. If you love food, you should read on!

CHICKEN. The most famous poultry eaten by people all around the world. I love it when it’s baked or roasted; sitting in a pan of hot runny juices, or steamed with the skin taken off. I love Hainanese chicken rice. I love to see the pale yellow slices of steamed chicken atop a mound of fragrant rice, with a slight aroma of garlic in the air. I love grilled chicken, which is simply perfect with a squeeze of lemon juice and eaten with fresh salad. I used to love fried chicken, but not anymore. I can still remember the taste; crispy and fragrant, with that perfect CRUNCH and the slight dribble of oily juices. The skin was pure heaven and I never gave much thought to fats at that point.

I love CHOCOLATE too. Chocolate is pure yet extravagant. I am a total chocoholic with a penchant for dark chocolate. I guess you can say that milk and white chocolate is too mainstream to me? Chocolate is dark, rich and seductive, with its strong ability to make people sigh with pleasure. The feeling of chocolate melting in your mouth is pure ecstasy. There’s something about chocolate that makes me squeal with delight and longing. Plus, it’s perfect as a dessert, or a topping for any ice cream, cake or pudding.

ICE CREAM is one of my top favourites. My favourite flavours are peanut butter (Udders has the best one) and chocolate mint. Sometimes, relaxing with a tub of good old fashioned vanilla is blissful too (vanilla ice cream and hot brownies is the perfect combo). I love the feeling of this wonderfully cold creamy concoction on my tongue, spooned straight from a cup. Hot crispy waffles go really well with ice cream too. I remember when I was younger my grandma used to bring me to the Gelare outlet near my house every Tuesday for waffles at half price. I would stare at those golden waffles topped with balls of creamy sinful ice cream greedily and polish them off with chocolate sauce and maple syrup. 

IKEA FOOD is the bomb. I seldom go to Ikea nowadays. I used to go there a lot last time for the reliable priced meals. I loved the breakfast set of French toast, baked beans and sausages, as well as the thin pancakes with a hard-boiled egg, drenched in maple syrup. I also had a strong relationship with the Ikea Swedish meatballs, which is still a crowd favourite. It was a perfect harmony of 10 round chunky meatballs with floury potatoes, brown sauce and that lovely cranberry sauce. I hated sharing my meatballs. As a young kid, I also liked the tomato pasta, chicken nuggets, Daim almond chocolate cake and onion rings. They were comfort food that could only be found in Ikea. When it got too crowded, I would always go to the basement for their simple hot dog and load it with tons of messy ketchup. I was a big fan of their $1 soft-serve ice cream. It was sooooo good. I still love it. In fact, I’m craving for some now.

I love MEATS. I have to admit, I can never be a Vegetarian. I’d probably fail after less than a week! Soya patties and mock chicken are big no-nos for me! I like to call myself a carnivore, but after all one can’t survive on a diet of solely proteins. Other than my top fave chicken, I also like beef and pork. I love meat made in all sorts of varieties! Ribs, ham, cold cuts, stew, broths….  It's really easy to grill or BBQ meats and you can also come up with all sorts of fun marinades. Stews, when eaten hot, are comforting and warm. Stew just reminds me of The Hunger Games’ lamb stew. Ham and cold cuts are great eaten in sandwiches, pasta, salads etc. Just go crazy.

JAPANESE CUISINE is one of my all-time favourites. I love sushi, especially those with tamago (roasted egg), corn, egg mayo or crabmeat. I also have intense cravings for cold green tea soba at times. They are fabulous! I usually order it when I eat at Japanese restaurants. Ramen is also good with the typical egg, chashu pork, seaweed….all in a bowl of steaming soup. I love the bouncy pale yellow ramen, all brimming with hot goodness. Seriously, you can go to ANY random ramen restaurant in Japan and it’ll be good. Other than ramen and sushi, I am so in love with teriyaki chicken and Tako Yaki, which are octopus balls (not literally ahem). My school finally has a Japanese stall and I am now able to satisfy all my Jap cravings.

BREAKFAST FOODS have always been an important part of my life. As people always say “breakfast is the most important meal of the day”. There are so many interesting breakfast foods available. Singaporeans typically enjoy the authentic kaya (coconut jam) toast and two half-boiled eggs. My favourite part of a kaya toast is the thick slab of butter wedged in between. The thicker the better! People usually end off with a steaming cup of hot Kopi. There are other Singaporean breakfast favourites too, like Nasi Lemak, fried Bee Hoon, carrot cake, fried dough sticks with soya bean milk…. I used to visit the Tampines Round Market every Saturday. I exceptionally loved the Nasi Lemak. Being a typical primary school kid, the crispy chicken wing, egg and Taiwanese sausage were my faves. My dad would also order the fried black noodles, which usually came with egg, a chicken wing and oily veg. I enjoyed that tremendously too. However, sometimes I prefer my breakfasts to be a little more “westernized”. Usually on school days I just have toast, or cereal or any little snacks etc that my grandma buy. There’s simply no time on weekdays to have a long sit-down breakfast.Weekends are the best ones to have some. The American breakfast is wonderful, with the usual culprits like eggs (I like mine scrambled), bacon, sausages, French toast, tomatoes, pancakes, mushrooms, hash browns….the list goes on. I love making pancakes. Stir the batter, attempt to form perfectly circular pancakes, an expert flip by my grandma and there you have it, pancakes! Of course, maple syrup or cinnamon sugar is essential!  I just love lazy mornings, best perfected with some good breakfast.

My favourite thing to cook? EGGS. Research has shown that regular consumption of eggs may prevent blood clots, strokes and heart attacks. What’s more, they have natural vitamin D, are great for the eyes and reduce the risk of getting breast cancer, all due to their proteins and amino acids! There are tons of ways to have eggs. Scrambled, baked, fried, steamed with custard, fried, as an omelette, boiled, hard-boiled, poached….. I love scrambled eggs the most. Fried eggs with runny yolks are also the bomb, best eaten with some simple black sauce or salt & pepper. Everyone should eat eggs every week.

That should be all. Conclusion: food is good. That's also the reason why we created this blog. 

People who love to eat are always the best people.

-Julia Child 


Monday 26 August 2013

Insta Monday - healthyalways

Hello there everyone!

Welcome back to Insta Monday. We are sorry of the two//three week hiatus due to our CAs and hectic schedule. 

Today on insta monday, we are proud to present healthyalways, a nutrition and physiology student who is a healthy foodie. She is one of my favourite food instagrammers and I cannot wait to share her pictures with you.

Her blueberry mint "ice cream"

One of the things I personally enjoy about her instagram is that she posts the recipes of all her goodies. For instance, she posted on how to make the blueberry mint ice cream.
- Blend two frozen bananas, 1/3 cups of blueberries and a drop of peppermint essence. Garnish with a few mint leaves and top it with blueberries. 
As you may notice, this recipe is easy to make and does not require any sugar (bonus)! All the recipes on her instagram are really intriguing and I cannot wait to try to make them myself.

You may be thinking, what are so special about ice cubes? Well these aren't just ordinary ice cubes, but they are coconut cubes! They are made by replacing water with coconut water and putting them into the freezer. This may be a simple idea, but by using coconut water, the flavour of your drinks can be enhanced! Put these into a plain glass of water with lemon slices - it gives the drink a sweet lovely taste. This coconut ice cubes will make wonderful welcoming drinks for everyone of all ages and is worth a try! 

These are more of her photos:

There is a whole lot more of delicious food that you can choose to try on her Instagram! Go follow her on instagram, @healthyalways, for more simple, nutritious and mouthwatering recipes and pictures!

- Ruth

Monday 5 August 2013

Insta Monday - acciosykes

Hello there,
Welcome to Insta Monday! On insta mondays, we will be showcasing Instagram profiles of foodies every week. To kickstart this, today, we have our one and only- CHERILYNN aka acciosykes! She is 1/3 of eatyourlettuce and will be writing soon!

 Cherilynn loves her Indian cuisine and it keeps her happy. 

These are the fudgey brownies that were made by her mother//herself. I got a bag of it for my birthday and I loved them. They are sinful but worth the calories!

Her mother's version of aglio olio ❤

Want to look at more stunning food, go visit her Instagram now! See you next week!


Friday 2 August 2013

Prima Facie

Prima Facie. A Latin expression meaning on its first encounter or at first sight

Hey there!

Welcome to the first post of our new food blog. We thought of this idea ages ago and never really took action until now (teenagers procrastinate really well).


To put it simply, we love food. That sounds really cliche, doesn't it? Like how often do you see it on Instagram and Twitter accounts? FOOD means a lot to us. Food helps us in many ways.

What is our "aim"? Well, we figured that nowadays, most food blogs cater to adults, mostly. Food reviews for expensive restaurants, bistros....and so on. We hope to reach out to teenagers and young people (adults too) to share with them our love for food. On this blog, expect to find RECIPES, FOOD REVIEWS, FOOD HACKS, INTERESTING FOOD FACTS and just random muses about FOOD WE LOVE. Don't expect fast food, because we don't believe that all teenagers should only survive on a diet of fried chicken and grease-laden burgers. Let's just say that health is rather important to us....

Before anything else, WHO ARE WE? (We're Singaporeans, of course)

Ruth is a passionate foodie who enjoys eating - but not cooking. She likes the Arts, and is in charge of the artistic development of the blog. She loves anything sweet and sugary (not too much, though!) She eats anything and everything but her lettuce.

Cherilynn adores food. She especially adores (North) Indian and Chinese cuisine. She can neither cook nor bake but she occasionally helps her mom in the kitchen. Her Instagram (acciosykes) is filled with mouth-watering food pics and you should go check it out.

Christabel is an ardent amateur baker (and cook), who will provide many recipes and muses about her recent food fads. She is a rather healthy cook and does her best to prove that food can be healthy and taste fantastic at the same time.

So....that's us. We are normal teenagers from slightly different backgrounds with a common interest. FOOD. We hope you enjoy reading this food blog, and we really don't know if it will work out. Fingers crossed!
